The snapshot below is the current form of my WordPress based Journal. It resides on my LAN and is hosted on a Raspberry Pi 5 (RPi) with 256GB memory. Data is periodically backed up on a mirrored RPi using Duplicator.
You can see from the screenshot above, I’m using the WordPress PressBook theme. I have various tabs that help me easily reference and quickly find things. It took several evolutions to ultimately converge on these tabs for my use.
The “Journal” tab, includes a date, and a quick note, reminder or direct link to other content on the RPi, the LAN or ongoing issue or topic.
The “To Look At” tab, includes a date and summary or link from something of interest I have come across and want to investigate further, when time permits.
The “Projects” tab, is based on Kanban workflow and has three subfolders: 1) Work to Do, 2) Work in Progress, and 3 ) Work Done. This WordPress site will mostly include highlights from “Work in Progress” and “Work Done”. Interestingly, the “Work in Progress” is starting to include useful excerpts from my hardcopy notebooks and digital archives.
The “Research” tab, includes many subfolders. These subfolders on a very wide range of interests and supporting research to be available as needed while working on a current or future project or as a quick and ready reference. A few examples include; Energy Management, Facility Management, Construction Management, EnergyLab, AI/ML, Calculations, Controls, Consulting, Building Automation, Databases, Electronics, Function Blocks, etc.
The “TechNotes” tab, documents various things I’ve needed to learn about, how they where accomplished/implement and allow me to remember or recreates the various steps if ever needed down the road. There are many subfolders here, including things such as; Arduino, Cloudflare, AI, Docker, Programming, Linux, Grafana, InfluxDB, Node Red, JSON, MQTT, Sensors/Displays, Python, RPi, WordPress, etc.
The “Network” tab, details the home office LAN by IP device. There are many subfolders here also, including other items such as Self Hosting, Network Tools, Cloud Servers, etc.
The “Weather” tab, includes my Ecowitt weather station and various online weather sites to reference as needed.