The purpose of this WordPress site is to share some personal and professional projects and ideas I have been working on for the last several years. I’m starting up this blog with several unique project entries.
My name is Edward Brzezowski, with my background as a licensed professional engineer, I am focused on mechanical engineering, specializing in the area of buildings, energy and control systems. When I started at the County College of Morris for a new program called “MechTech” back in 1973 the first semester we used slide rulers. During the second semester calculators became available and I became a HP RPN user from that point on, even with the emulator I continue to use on my iPhone today. While in college I became interested in energy, and heat transfer, along the way the first microcomputers started to arrive. I purchased my first one, an Exidy Sorcerer around 1978-79. I continued to use that system while a graduate research assistant at NJIT to create a graphical “f-chart“, hour-by-hour simulation of a residential solar domestic hot water system, I received credit for an entire semester from a couple of nights of hard work.
Since that time and throughout my career I’ve applied computers to my work on numerous projects and ideas. One common theme in the background is what I envisioned as EnergyLab. It has taken various forms over time from table top and mobile energy simulators, helping startup companies, to using “Buildings as Learning Tools” for Science, Math, Engineering and Technology for all life long learners.
In its current evolution, I’m focusing on EnergyLab Time Series data streams for seeing a hidden world. On this site I’ll share some of the things I’ve put together and data I am seeing from various projects I’ve put together.
One of the first things as I started to ramp up this effort was a way to document my work in a journal since it will cover many areas to implement. Ironically I still have spiral and 3 ring design and construction note books that I periodically reference. This includes developing and using a Epson HX20 as a data acquisition system to document the #2 fuel oil use minute-by-minute before, during a residential 2 family rehab in 1983. I saw first hand hourly fuel uses, impact of equipment sizing, insulation, new windows, heat circulating fireplaces and results from testing one of the first MagicStat (1983) adaptive control thermostats.
A couple years later while working as a district engineer for a K12 school district, these spirals and 3 ring notebooks helped me design from scratch, energy management systems based on using Analog Devices Umac4000/5000 industrial computers and the first Planar flat screen electroluminescent displays instead of CRT terminals. These custom BMS/EMS units were installed by the districts maintenance staff, and ultimately enabled them to significantly reduce their energy use and costs and resulted in State and Federal energy awards.
So to help me efficiently continue document my work I’m using WordPress as a Journal. This will be the first blog article on this site, and serve as a jumping off point to share what I’ve seen and learned on my recent time-series projects.